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2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Writer: Shawn Johnson, PresidentShawn Johnson, President

Saddlebrooke Homes Association Annual Meeting 2019

Saturday, January 19th, 2019

Board members present: Shawn Johnson, Brenda VandenBos, Kristen Mudgett, Bridget Peoples, Kathie Ridings.

Kristin Mudgett read notes from the previous annual meeting dated January 20th, 2018. VandenBos motioned to approve, Zimmerman second, all approved.


Shawn= busy year, unexpected expenses, amendment work, introduced board members.


Additional expenses forced board to look more closely at expenses in the pool. Additional new construction completed adds an another home owner to pay dues. Transfer fee for 100.00 added on closing settlement statements to be charged to new home owner. Landscape expense increases every year. Additional large tree removal in common area expense this TY. Insurance is increasing this year, so accepting new quotes. Decision to be made by April 2019. 94 home owns paid dues year to date. Goal is to move away from paper where applicable. Reviewed budget line items for 2019. Compared to 2018, 2017, and 2016. Zimmerman motioned to approve budget, VandenBos 2nd, all approved.


Breaks in irrigation lines, hot weather, several weeks to repair caused grass to brown. Hot weather slowed new plants. Bridget to explore additional landscape options and bids in 2019. Christmas light display was disappointing, Bridget to explore new company for holiday lighting.

HO question: What is suburban's scope of work? Bridget: fall clean up, mulch, lawn care, planting beds. Need service level to improve to move forward with Suburban.


Bridget created new, user friendly website. Bridget to add directory this year. Goal is to communicate through website to cut down on mailing expenses. Added pay online feature for home owners, fee to be paid by home owner.


Tried a few social functions in 2018. Not large attendance. Undetermined if will move forward with additional events.

Detention Pond:

HOA does not own the stream but we are held accountable from the city and the state even though it flow to Lake Quivira. Developer never told board members for community when HOA was turned over to home owners. Every 3 years engineer from state reports on stream and detention pond. We have 2 years until next report. Expense is not going away. Will require more HOA funds in the future and at this time board to consider a more permanent repair to avoid future expenses.


Goal is to look at neighborhood more closely to keep up with home values, aging community, curb appeal and home repairs. Created card as a friendly reminder to pay attention to home owner specific items. Good response. Reminder for home owners to ask for approval for construction items. Will run it more tightly going forward. New build in enclaves has broken ground. Al Faltemier to run new construction time lines.

New construction on 49th complete. Home sold.

HO: Sidewalk does not exist at end of neighborhood. Why? Shawn agreed to explore this with lot owner. However city does not require a sidewalk until a home is built on the lot.

HO: Is Enclave builder reputable and set backs meeting HOA rules and regs? Shawn, yes.


Discussed specific expenses HOA is incurring with pool refinishing. Due to JOCO EPA requirements, code violations must be completed in order to open. 60k budgeted for replaster, tile, drain, and fills, new pool cover. Additional expenses incurred because pool built by developer and not a true pool foundation, residential foundation so chipping required which is an hourly rate. Opening date 2019 determined on weather and pool work completion.

HO: Age of child allowed to go to pool without adult? Shawn confirmed age 15. In line with other community pools. Not regulated by our insurance carrier.

HO: How many guests allowed? Shawn response is delicate balance, everyone should use common courtesy. Will continue to use Nextdoor site to help regulate during open season. Reminder to all home owners, No glass.

New Business:

Dues increases $25 per home for 2020 and again 2021. 2012-2016 HOA in the black average of 4k, so this enabled HOA to take the hit on the pool. Ideal to hold 1 year cash reserves on hand so assessments will not have to happen for unexpected expenses. 2017-2018 HOA in the red. Costs increasing so trying to cut costs. Last dues increase was 2007.

HO: We are eating into savings, so should we consider an increase of 150.00 per household? Brenda response we will be good with current increases and can reconsider additional increases later if needed. Zimmerman motioned to approve HOA due increase, Wright 2nd, all approved HOA dues increases.

HO: New owner on 50th is leasing company. Yard is not maintained. Who is responsible: Does bylaws allow for rentals? Leasee does not respond. Kathy responded that she is in contact with leasing company that owns the home. Home owners have concern for home rentals in the neighborhood. Should consider long term leases only. Mudgett motioned for board to modify bylaws regarding leases and sub leases and give update to home owners in 90 days. Johnson 2nd, all approved.

Bylaw amendment on table to allow more garage door options and impose fines and fees to a property bylaws and deeds and restrictions need 72 homes to approve changes. HOA board to establish and publish schedules of fines once amendment approved. Intent is to be fair, keep up home values. Shawn called on anyone interested in 2 board positions available. No one showed interest. Mudgett motioned to keep Shawn and Brenda on the HOA board, Zimmerman 2nd, all approved.

Meeting Adjourned.

Kristin Mudgett, Secretary


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