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Writer: Shawn Johnson, PresidentShawn Johnson, President

SADDLEBROOKE HOMES ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING Wednesday September 10 2019 Board Members present: Shawn Johnson, Kristin Mudgett, Kathie Ridings, Bridget Peoples Call to Order:Shawn Johnson. Minutes read from May 8th 2019:Kristin Mudgett. Minutes appv:1st Bridget, 2nd Kathie, all approved

TREASURY: 1) Shawn to work with Brenda regarding individual account balances so budget is correctly reflected with expenses by year end . Kristin motion to approve report, Bridget 2nd, all approved 2) Insurance needs updated next meeting 3) 14627 W 50th proceeded with new roof with home owner insurance claim, not HOA claim. Partial tree still standing, Shawn will remove remaining trunk unless home owner signs off they want to keep tree and will take responsibility for any future concerns and/or damage incurred

LANDSCAPE: 1) Bridget walked with Suburban for fall plantings. Bridget and Shawn to walk plan Sunday at noon 2) Next door complaint regarding care of common area trees and bag worms. Bridget reached out to individual home owner to kindly request any future concerns to be directed to the HOA board. Suburban walked all common areas and confirmed we do not have trees in distress and bag worms

WEBSITE: 1) Bridget to post pool is closed until 2020 2) Brenda is checking on big trash pick-up missed on Monday. Re-scheduled for this Friday. Deffenbaugh dropped the ball. 3) Bridget to add all approved minutes to website this week. Going forward all minutes will be directly added once approved

ARCHITECTURAL: 1) Postcards have been positive with good results and better communication 2) Kathie to order more postcards this week, Bridget’s name to be removed 3) Shawn to mention in newsletter we understand some items are expensive and take time to plan. Board is asking home owners to make communication regarding postcard concerns within the 30 days so we know it will be addressed in the future 4) Shawn sent builder a letter for new build in Enclaves requesting updates for foundation, time line to begin again, spoil encroachments, dirty streets 5) Kathie did address questions that in fact a 2 car garage may be built in Saddlebrooke community 6) 14701 W 50th is held in trust by original owner family. Empty, Home- made sign removed. Seller/owner has been notified that they must use a professional sign per by laws going forward. Seller agreed to address this within 48 hours 7) 14726 W 50th has satisfied current issues with home repair, curb appeal. Has been maintained. Board will continue to monitor

POOL: 1) Closed for the season 2) Product ordered for coping stones. Work to begin now that pool is to winter water level. Sealant on the coping stones will extend life of border stones and will keep the new plaster from wearing quicker with the sand deterioration into the pool 3) New pool cover in our possession. Cost was roughly 1k over expected expense. Will see additional expense from Pool Services in order to stretch springs and set new cover in place. Will be a day or two of additional labor to fit cover 4) Looking ahead to next year, no major additional expenses. Kristin walked with pool services, they do not expect anything additional next year. Pumps, motors looking good. Board should consider louvered window for pump room and air flow, and possible interior paint baths. 5) Kristin will finish close of the pool the next few weeks. Will touch base with Shawn in October to blow out lines and winterize water lines

OTHER: 1) 1 voted needed for amendment. Kristin to work on this

NEW: 1) Bill Shippee made new improved signs specific to Saddlebrooke events; parade, trash pick up, annual meeting. 2) Kristin to send thank you gift to Shawnee Copy Center 3) Halloween parade to be held in Bridget’s driveway. Begin parade bottom of Alden and 50th at 530 pm on Halloween.

MTG adjourned


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